2020 has seemed like the year of "whack-a-mole." We try to solve one problem over here, and something else pops up other there...
It may feel like this in your business, as well. Perhaps you solved the problem of moving much of your business online, but that creates another problem... There are SO many laws and regulations around online activity, and while we covered some on a previous episode (S2E6: Marketing Online and S2E4: Privacy Online), we're going deeper today on some of the implications doing business online can mean for you.
And in this week's Caught Doing Good, we're honored to feature a brilliant young entrepreneur, Paris Williams, a six-year-old from St Louis, Missouri. She founded Paris Cares to bring books and food to the homeless in her area.
To learn more and contribute, visit: https://bonfire.com/pariscares
Want to learn more about how to pandemic-proof your business during this time? Visit:
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